
Elder Scrolls Online: The Most Likely Settings For The 2022 Expansion

 Zenimax Online Studios has released a teaser for the 2022 Elder Scrolls Online expansion – these are the most likely settings for the new Chapter.

The teaser for the official announcement of the next year-long DLC for Elder Scrolls Online has been released, prompting fans of ESO and the Elder Scrolls series to wonder where the MMO will take players next. Based on the trailer alone it's difficult to pinpoint where the next Chapter could go in 2022, as its oceanic views and classic fantasy setpieces leave much up to interpretation.

Of course, the lack of details hasn't stopped fans theorycrafting where the next Elder Scrolls Online chapter could take players. Recently, Zenimax Online Studios sent chapter-teasing gifts to certain ESO streamers, each of which notably contained a letter from the mysterious Ascendant Order – thanks to these hints, the list of possible settings for ESO in 2022 is relatively short.

Pyandonea, Land of the Sea Elves

Pyandonea is an island that has been referenced several times throughout the Elder Scrolls games that serves as the home to the Sea Elves, or the Maormer. The Maormer are historical enemies of the High Elves, having invaded the Summerset Isles countless times over the eras. They are ruled by the seemingly immortal King Orgnum, and are seen throughout ESO in several locations such as Kenarthi's Roost.

The next ESO expansion is likely to be set in Pyandonea both because of the seafaring aesthetic of the teaser trailer and the presence of the race throughout several areas in ESO. It is one of the most highly requested ESO locations ever, though there are two issues with this theory. For one, the trailer shows what appears to be a man in traditional Medieval-era armor. Another problem with the theory is that developers said the next chapter would focus on a playable race, which the Maormer are not.

High Isle, An Enigmatic Breton Stronghold

One of the more well-founded theories on the next ESO expansion is that it will take place in a Breton-centric area. This is mostly thanks to the traditional fantasy visuals of the teaser trailer that match the Feudalistic Breton vibe, as well as the fact that Bretons are one of the few races in Elder Scrolls Online that could really use some more detailed lore. Where the chapter will take place, though, is a bit more of a mystery, though some fans are convinced it will take place in a location called High Isle.

High Isle is a place never seen before in an Elder Scrolls game. In fact, the only references to its existence are found on a map from Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard and an ESO book. Titled The First Gleaner, this book from the Deadlands DLC says that a Breton named Pieron Desant returned to Fargrave from High Isle with an "amazing haul". The next expansion is likely to take place here because of its association with the Bretons and their Feudalistic, politically-minded society, though it would be a completely new zone not dependent on other lore or Elder Scrolls nostalgia.

Yokuda, Legendary Home of the Redguards...

Alongside Pyandonea, another one of the most highly-requested areas for an Elder Scrolls Online is Yokuda, the legendary (and perhaps mythical) home of the Redguards. Yokuda is described as the original land of the people that now call Hammerfell home, although in-game lore describes the entire continent having been plunged into the sea after some great travesty. The reason for this sinking varies from person to person, but historical evidence (and word of mouth) show that it existed as late as the eighth century of the first era – long after Man had a foothold on Tamriel.

Yokuda fits the setting shown in the 2022 teaser as it is home to a number of small island chains, and the main island called Akos Kasaz is as filled with cliffs as it is outlined with fjord-like natural formations, which the city in the ESO teaser appears to be nestled inside. The Redguards are a very political people, too, and like the Bretons could do with a more focused chapter to expand their lore. However, because Yokuda canonically sank into the ocean, it may be difficult to see the next chapter taking place here without bending the lore or retconning other Elder Scrolls games.

....Or One Of The Many Islands In The Sea Of Pearls

The Sea of Pearls is a location not seen or referenced very often in Elder Scrolls games. Located just south of Yokuda and far to the west of the Summerset Isles, the Sea of Pearls is home to a number of islands that could each serve as the next setting for Elder Scrolls Online. The island chain is supposedly where the underwater home of the Sea Sload, Ul'vor Kus, is located. The Sload are a nefarious race not often seen in Elder Scrolls games, seen in the Summerset Chapter for ESO (though regular Sload are found more often throughout the series, like in Morrowind).

The Sea of Pearls could easily serve as the next location for the next ESO chapter as it would give developers plenty of wiggle room for establishing new lore and expanding on one of the more interesting "villain" races in the series. However, the arguments against this being the next setting are numerous – it doesn't seem like a location that can expand on a playable race's lore, it's too far away from the mainland of Tamriel, and it's hardly likely to have a traditionally Medieval aesthetic.

The Elder Scrolls Online is available for PC, PlayStation 4 and 5, and Xbox One and Series X|S.