Kirby & The Forgotten Land Will Have the Biggest File Size in Series
Kirby and the Forgotten Land has been revealed to have the biggest file size in the series, even slightly surpassing Super Mario Odyssey.
It’s been revealed that Kirby and the Forgotten Land will have the biggest file size in the series history. Given the scale of the game with it being the first 3D mainline entry in the series and the size of the world, this file size isn’t entirely surprising to see.
Kirby and the Forgotten Land makes huge advancements for the series with it being the first 3D entry. The world is bigger than ever, and there’s much more for Kirby to explore despite the levels themselves still appearing to be linear. The most recent trailer showcases new copy abilities for Kirby and reveals a two-player co-op. The giant boss battles Kirby will fight also help showcase the scale of Kirby and the Forgotten Land and its 3D environment.
Nintendo’s website listing of the game (via Nintendo Life) shows that Kirby and the Forgotten and the Land will be 5.8GB in size. This is the biggest file size number the series has seen to date, and even just barely bigger than Super Mario Odyssey at 5.6GB. It’s also more than double the size of Kirby Star Allies at 2.8GB.
But there are Nintendo games that have even bigger sizes than Kirby and the Forgotten Land and Super Mario Odyssey. Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl are 10GB in size despite arguably not being on the same scale as Super Mario Odyssey. Metroid Dread meanwhile is smaller than a Call of Duty update 4.1GB in size and runs at 60 FPS. Call of Duty has a much bigger scale than a 2D Metroidvania like Metroid Dread, but the fact that it’s able to run at 60 FPS with that relatively small file size is an impressive feat.
From what has already been seen in the trailers, the world of Kirby and the Forgotten Land is massive in scale. Some of the shots in the most recent trailer for the game have Kirby running through giant environments that are indeed akin to other Nintendo games like Super Mario Odyssey. Therefore, this file size can only be a good sign for how big Kirby and the Forgotten Land's world will be and possibly how much content the game will include. If the game eventually received DLC in the form of free updates or paid DLC, it would make the game even bigger. It’s no wonder why Kirby and the Forgotten Land is one of the most anticipated titles in the series in recent years for all of the advances it’s making.
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