
Skyrim Player Claims to Have Fully Completed the Game After 700 Hours

 A Skyrim player claims to have fully completed the game, including finishing all quests and collecting every item, after almost 700 hours.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is a massive game. Many players likely take tens of hours to finish their first playthrough, and some continue to play Skyrim long after completing the main story.

Mods have likely added to the longevity of Skyrim. Users can change all aspects of the game, from gameplay to content, and customize their playthrough in unique ways that seem impossible in other games. Even though Skyrim has an abundance of content and things to do, one fan claims to have fully completed the game after an astronomical number of hours.

A Reddit user named DiJGit states that they have completed a 100% playthrough of Skyrim after 700 hours. DiJGit finished every quest and collected all items, spells, and shouts in the game. They also unlocked every skill in Skyrim and finished this complete playthrough at level 252. DiJGit attached several pictures in the post showing off their equipment, the fully explored map, and various menus revealing noteworthy stats such as the number of spells learned and enemies killed. This is followed by a collection of images featuring DiJGit’s impressive house.

The stats menu reveals some interesting information, such as the player’s favorite spell in Skyrim and the number of items they pickpocketed. DiJGit found an astounding 5,953,567 gold throughout their playthrough and looted over 3,000 chests. The house tour shows all the unique pieces of gear they collected, with a basement full of Daedric artifacts, and the final image features DiJGit’s character and his wife, Lydia.

Their achievement is impressive, but some fans don’t appear convinced. A few users state that Paarthurnax is still alive in this Skyrim playthrough, so DiJGit could not have completed every quest in the game. However, they mention that using some careful timing, it’s possible to finish all the Blades quests without triggering the quest to kill Paarthurnax. Some players ask about other parts of the game they could have missed, and one jokingly mentions that 200 out of those 700 hours were spent putting all the items on display.

A user named No_Fun365 asks DiJGit about their favorite quest in Skyrim. They call Bound Until Death, The Mind of Madness, and At the Summit of Apocrypha their favorite quests and give a short reason for each. Even though DiJGit mentions that they may have completed 99.9% of the game, it’s still an incredible achievement to do everything possible in a massive game like Skyrim.

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim is now available for PC, PS4, PS5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.